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(1 edit)

Holy shit Rune's route emotional

So I got a interesting ending in Torulf's path and....

Does Torulf: Snouts mean I'm on the correct path (for him at least) or does the story just end right there where we are hugging the sheep lady (forgot her name hehe)??

Because I don't know if I'm doing his route correctly...

Pls help


Torulf: Snouts feels like it will have a better final conclusion than Tolrulf: Dogtooth will if i had to guess


so, uh... what's going on with Klaus? met him once in each of the routes, he seemed to have something... freaky going on.

well... there is a route with him, just... careful

there's a comment down there, telling you about it

ah, oki, thankies *thumbs up*


Need more Jorgen



I need to know whats gonna happen with Mikko and Arvo :(


is torulf the only nsfw route? also when will his route next be updated? xx


pretty sure all routes are planned to have at least some NSFW in them. only Torulf and Bjorn have sex scenes so far, but that might change next update.



Deleted 74 days ago

Klaus does have a route. You want some help finding it?

Deleted 74 days ago

here! (copypasted from rickalick)

1. Get a coat on day 1(either talk to Rune before losing the key, or ask Devon for help when you lost it)

2. Do the Klaus event when given chance on the first day. Make sure you talk to him and follow him all the way into the woods.

3. After that follow...

3.a) the Bjorn route, in which case just wait till you get a chance to chase after Klaus into the woods again.

3.b) the Devon route, in which case don't help him with telescopes and talk to Klaus in the cafeteria.


just finished day 2 with Lake and I had to stop and leave a comment about how much i love him asljaskjsd yall do great work


Will Travis ever be an option? 


He straight so nah



Me too!!!!!! He's so great!!!!!!!


I need more Bjørn ;(


I need more Bjørn too 😩

I'm a simple man.... I see someone post about Bjørn, I comment. Yesss

Just discovered the game and... wow, I fill so related with Bjørn story. Made me cried...

Keep it up guys, I will support this project asap !


We still need Devon's ending, I like his story


i genuinely cried. this stuff hits hard... 



Intense. Love the use of psychological terminology. One of my favorite moments was Mikko playing the piano. It stirred something inside.

(2 edits)

I ran into this issue at the Seasons scene, is there a way to avoid it? I was quickly skipping to get back to where I was due to being unable to load my Rune file. (Edit: I've tried again, and it seems to be unavoidable even if I click slowly) (and don't mind my other comment above oops i think this one failed to load)

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

Exception: Possible infinite loop.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/", line 275, in bootstrap


  File "renpy/", line 670, in main


  File "renpy/", line 144, in run


  File "renpy/", line 942, in run_context

  File "day1_12_meetings5.rpyc", line 9, in script

  File "day1_12_meetings5.rpyc", line 9, in script

  File "renpy/", line 61, in check_infinite_loop

    raise Exception("Possible infinite loop.")

Exception: Possible infinite loop.

Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64


Dawn Chorus 0.35.4

Fri Mar  1 21:10:11 2024


Not only you have ran into this issue - I'll look into it as soon as I come back from the con and rest a bit! 

Dose anyone know how bad content like nudity, slurs, etc is in the game before I start playing it?


There's a a little bit of nudity sprinkled throughout the game, but not in an inappropriate way. 

There's a little cussing. Not bad at all though.

STAY AWAY FROM TORULF IF YOURE TRYING TO STAY AWAY FROM NSFW. You do have the ability to turn off the nsfw scenes, but torulf is a bad dude to begin with

Overall, I would say this game is safe if a little dense with thematic existentialism and nihilism in some ways. It really encapsulates the power of connection. In a bleak setting. 

Heyy could someone tell me the name of the song in Rune latest update 🥺


Just wanted to ask because this is my first time installing a game update:

Can I delete my folder of the old version or I need to leave it there in order to keep my progress in the new version?

And where will the game start when I load an old save file? Will it just start where I left off, even if there was new content added in between? I don't want to miss anything but playing again from the start would also be lengthy.

Saves stay just fine. I know the past couple updates had a brief problem where the save wouldn't load the new update, but that's only for a couple of them. 

The old apk or zip can totally be deleted after the game info is installed. at least from my experience.


Help i want to know what Jørgen is wearing


A poncho 


"Rune feels terrible and does drugs about it, this is actually a good thing" is such a weird take, especially bc he goes on a trip alone without no one to watch over him. 

and it goes on and on and on too wth what even is this? such a sudden dip in quality from Dawn Chorus 

Deleted 206 days ago

Its in a way realistic. People do stupid shit when panicking, speaking from experience. Drugs are common in that way. The vn isn't bad cause drugs, it's good cause it doesn't shy away from the shit that someone like Rune would be going through and doing as a result.

Same with how Torulf is genuinely awful in more than one way but is still there. Arvo is another realistic character in that, when faced with the Mikko/love situation, he doesn't have the words and freezes which is common too. This is by far the best combo of wholesomeness and terribly realistic shit you obviously don't think about often (no offense). It's what makes this vn a good one in my opinion.

(1 edit) (+1)

I am running into a consistent crash during the transition from the snowball fight with Lake, Jorgen, and Mikko to night for the telescope and route select scene. It happens between the last few lines of text in the previous up to final part of the transition showing the outside of the guesthouse at night.

I am trying to replay Rune's route as my most recent saves are broken and there isn't an option to skip to his route on the menu.

ETA - I have uninstalled the game fully and reinstalled it using the itch launcher if that plays into the issue at all.


The rune update is perfect, leaving it at that was absolutely a perfect move, leaving us wanting to see them blossom but not leaving us heart broken



There's 2 more days for every route planned


what the hell? how is the new update like. so good?? I can definitely see how it's your most ambitious work- the music and visuals are perfect and work together so well, and the writing is genuinely amazing. Gave me chills.  It deviates from the main style of the VN in a really effective way that both suits what's happening really well and is also just awesome to read. And even before and after that section, it's just so sweet. Rune's new update is probably my favourite section of the game, which is saying something because this game has a lot of beautiful moments. 

Thank you to the whole team for making something really lovely. I highly recommend Dawn Chorus to anyone who's interested, though prepare to get very emotionally invested if you're anything like me.


I was download this VN on 04/04/2022, at that moment I didn't expect i was going into deep stuff, I really enjoy and like the characters I read for now (Mikko, Rune, Lake; Jorgen you're the next). And I feel very greatfull to the Dawn Chorus Team and all people who work in this project, because, they give us a really good history with relateable  things for everyone that is the best part of this VN. I feel in another world when i'm reading this history; Also, the music and the art, are incredible, is something i enjoyed to much to watch too.

The other cool thing of this VN is his characters and his personalities, you guys, create characters who demonstrate real feelings, is not like other VNs where you need to be nice with the character for getting the good end/route.

PS: Daily reminder You're amazing & Loved! 


Definitely one of the best VNs that I've ever read for a while! Can't wait for the next Lake update ^^

I love it, thank you for making the game :D


I feel like some of the new sprites teased are a bit,,, unrefined??
Like, Devon got a new baby face,,, Torluf's muscles are like,, a bit too different from what's shown in the previous sprites,,, the sprites are good, don't get me wrong, but,,, Maybe refine them a bit more so they better suit the characters,,


*In regards to the Sprites Sneak Peek*

IMHO, I am not a fan of the fan sprites for a few of the characters I want to say especially in Mikko's and Jørgen's case. Their previous sprite gave them a smaller frame and I feel like that aspect was lost in this sprite redo. It's not horribly different but it's a little weird to re-imagine, just my take though.


Personally i like them because these characters feel more serious, before mikko looks like a little cute guy in the new sprite he has this serious vibe around him. I think they look more mature and i like that.

Cant wait for the next Rune updates.

Hope he's okay

(1 edit) (+15)(-7)

edit: and because ive seen this told to other people no i have not used a pirated version of the game i am speaking purely from the look we got from the sneak peak sprites about 2 weeks ago.

(this is a comment i had posted on the recent update comments just thought i might as well also post it here)

I have been following the dawn chorus vn for a long time now I want to say so it is quite sad that i have to say im probably going to stop supporting it as much as i did. while i will still follow the games progress and will most likely check out every lake update i just cant connect to the new art style. while for some characters it does good such as torulf, klaus and travis it seems very not fitting on others. such as now mikko the character that him being a little smaller the everyone was a key point now is almost double his hight from what im seeing and has thicker build which just did not come off well on him, or devon who now seems to have a baby face when his supose to almost be 30 from what i remember, he dosent need to have an old man face but not a teenager face, rune who is a swimmer and athelete has a bodybuilders body (in my opinion mikkos new body shape would fit perfect for him) but the thing that really did hit me most was lake. i was so in love with how their character was and it touched me deeply the way their story went regarding their identity or the relationship with torulf and i think their for the lack of a better word "twink-ish" look fit because it made them look how they felt which is small compared to others but now they just feels alot bulkier then they should be.(again in my opinion klauses new look could look better) to conclude this is not an attack on keo or anyone who likes the changes, if you like the changes then all power to you i just cant connect. maybe im not the audience for this vn anymore because while i dont like saying it. it does feel like its going to the pretty upsetting fetish look with making basically everyone but maybe 2 characters either muscly or bulky. In my opinion a thing that could make everyone happy would be a toggle mechanic, i dont know coding personally so im not sure how this will work or if its possible even,again saying this is not an attack to anyone just me voicing my opinion on a visual novel i used to feel really connected to. sorry for any misspellings english is not my first language. thank you to whoever listend to my small rant.




I feel sad to agree. I personally really like hq's work but these new sprites feel really weird. maybe I've grown too attached to the old ones but idk. A few of the new CGs also don't feels quite right, the one that hq just posted on twitter, of Arvo looking in the mirror, specially. Something that had a lot of charm and really stood out from other VNs are the forward facing characters which I miss a lot on these new characters. I also agree that most of the cast is looking unusually bulky, despite how they are described in-game. Something I do like is Lake's new flannel. I'm still unsure of what to do, I know I'll miss all of these a lot.


I'm not finished reading yet, but I will tell you that this is one of the best, BEST, stories/ VN's I've ever read. 

Made me feel things I didn't know I could feel, 10/10, read the goddamn thing. <3


This is by far one of the best games in all of my life. I honestly have never played such a well thought out and lovely game. I love the message of the routes and I ABOUSOLOUTLY love the characters. Great job to all who made this, YOUR THE BEST. 

i thought i was ready, i wasnt, im sobbing rn 10/10 would reccomend

how do i load a save with the new update on windows?

(1 edit) (-1)



I LOVE IT!!!! ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️

I do have a question though, 

When would the new sprites be added to the public version besides Patreon?

Just wondering:3


Beautiful update. I didn't expect runes... Realignment to come in that form, but I think it worked for him. Excited to see the rest of his story unfold. ☺️

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