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I really love this game! I cant wait for next updates :)

(1 edit)

Ah, and btw, Does Klaus got a route? I just wonder because I can't really contact with him. :/ The last thing with him was the nightmare and when I played Devon's route I met him with the telescopes, but I dunno how to get in a room with him or how to pick up the route with him. '^^

(2 edits) (+1)

There is route for Klaus, but it can be hard to find. You can get it by asking to stay with Bjorn. You'll get an option to follow Klaus into the woods again and he'll offer to room with you after that. 


Yeeeeah, thanks! :D I thought I missed something early... :/


I want Devon update so muaaaaach >w< ♡


omgomg omg torulf content???






Who is the artist for this drawing?

Criticat on dawn chorus fan discord


Waiting for the update be like


I've finished most of the routes by now and I must say that I love most of the characters, sometimes I wish I could make all of them happy simultaneously.

In order of preference my list is:

Lake > Rune > Torulf > Devon > Mikko > Jorgen > Klaus > Bjorn

I also really Like Arvo, the main character, he feels very relatable most of the time.

(1 edit) (+7)


Didn't know Arvo could... Die.

At day one where you get to choose who Arvo wanna sleep with, If you choose Mikko, then after some time, then Arvo will find the key. Then you can pick if you still wanna sleep with Mikko or not. If you choose that Arvo don't wanna sleep with Mikko, then Mikko will get a bit sad, but still acts like he's fine.

After Arvo went to his room, then Arvo will se a creature that he thinks is Mikko. Then he will follow him, into the woods, because he felt bad of saying no to him earlier.

After some time Arvo will trip and fall down to a lake, and can't get up, because he's stuck under the layer of ice.

Then Arvo... dies? Then you meet Mikko again, and after a bit of talking between Mikko and Arvo, then you get back to the main menu.

I have so many questions, like did he die, or is it at dream of some sort. I've never been this emotional over a visual novel before. I don't like when things end badly, so I was wondering if it could continue or It's just that.



do not reject the wolf bean or meet your demise



Arvo can die if you decide not to go with Mikko at the last minute. It's sort of dark but hey the teachers told the students that they shouldn't be doing anything foolish around the place, and following shadows at night in winter is not the brightest idea. 

(1 edit) (+8)

After playing every single route, and even replaying some of them, I can comfortably say that this is the best VN on this website. Period.

Characters are all loveable and likeable in their own ways, the artstyle of the characters is pleasant, and all the scenes look amazing. Additionally all characters are extremely well polished and likeable in their own sense. 

Language is good, and the writing is beyond what most novels do. It's very well flowing and I enjoyed the little details where human body parts are replaced by their animal counterparts, i.e. hands-paws and so on.

Sound design is also phenomenal. The music is atmospheric and fits the scenes extremely well. 

All in all, as I said, the best VN I have ever played. 5 stars and gimme that next Rune update.

comment written at 3 a.m so just bear with me repeating some things

This VN is so freaking comfy I enjoy it a great deal.


Just started this game a couple days ago, and I am already interested with all of the cast, and have a save file for each. Im just sad there isnt a Travis route 😭. 


I have a somewhat silly question:

This is the first time I'm playing this on a computer (I previously played on my phone). I've downloaded a new build for the first time. Now I have two folders, one for each build. Can I delete the old folder? Or perhaps will that delete my saved data?

(1 edit) (+1)

It's safe to delete the old folder! The saves are located elsewhere. 


Thank you so much! 😸

(3 edits) (+5)

I don't know if there's a place to give grammatical feedback, so here it goes. I only noticed this because most of the writing is well designed, and the proofreaders do a great job.

I think it's supposed to be: "Too bad I still barely have any idea on how to control any of the characters."

An even easier way to do this would be:

"Too bad I barely know how to control any of the characters." 

Since the sentence above already sufficiently establishes the precedent set in the original sentence. Sorry if I'm coming off as snobbish, as that is not my intention. I'm enjoying the game a lot so far! Keep up the good work!


Link to the fan discord in case anyone's interested:

Deleted 3 years ago

This. Exactly this


This fascinates me, just did the secret route and it almost feels like there's a hidden story in a totally different Genre playing out in the background of the main VN. Kudos!

How do though?


There's a basic walkthrough below but but you need to sit with Miko (let him stay quiet) at lunch, get a coat from Devon after losing your key, follow Klaus to the forest, embrace your inner monsterfucker (ie don't shove whoever accompanies you to the mysterious site and then pet the big spoopy monster.) After that basically do Bjorn's route (I personally did it while also keeping a distance from him but DO ask if you can room with him.) Then when you're sharing cake with him follow Klaus into the woods again.

Bjorn really had to interrupt a good dream, huh?


HA HA HA HA H A HA omg; so the first time I got that Lake was the one accompanying me and I said the exact same thing!


Lol. I still need to do his route, seems like a good lad.


I came here looking for some info about the Klaus route (having seen that it was an option in some of the updates) and wasn't expecting there to be any posts about it already!

I hope you like From Beyond ;)

From Beyond? I'm sorry but it doesn't sound familiar. I hope I didn't ruin a pun. Heh..


Embrace your inner--


Don't mind if I do~

Hey Dawn Chorus; Demon Wolf route when?


I just want to say that I am  positively surprised when I found out that Miko has a family in Poland

(fun fact: I'm also from Poland)

Overall, I like this VN very much :) 

I look forward to the next updates


more devon please he so adorable


More Klaus please, that was amazing and I loved the adrenaline rush from the more spooky parts.


Wow, the new Klaus content was pretty intense, it definitely surpassed my expectations! I hope we won't have to wait too long for the next update to that route.






Is there any specific way to get onto Klaus' route? He's not a choice for a room buddy, unless I'm just blind.


secret route. if you want the guide i can tell u


Sure, I could use it

(3 edits) (+2)


someone said the previous didn't work, so i tried this and im sure it does. 

Go see Mikko
Sit with Mikko
Give him some space
(lost key section, get devon's help and his coat or rune's, either is crucial)
Forest (Klaus)
Call out to him
Try finding him
Go deeper
Lobby (Klaus)
Reach out
(insert Bjorn activities)

choose Bjorn's route.  Make sure to hang with him enough.
It wasn't my intention

when you see klaus, FOLLOW HIM.

and there you go, you are on Klaus route.

I tried this and i can never get on Klaus's route. Needs help

Deleted 3 years ago

i just rewrote it try it again


It seems as though you have to visit Devon for the key help. Otherwise when you do Forest (Klaus) you go back in cuz its too cold

oh. well make sure to get a coat from either rune or devon lol


i need guide too if you don't mind it

(1 edit)

i just posted a guide :D


I would love it too:) Tried all the choices I could, cannot find it.

i just posted a guide :D




(how do i get the last illustration)?

(SPOILER kind of?) 

If I remember correctly, on Rune's route you have to choose to go on a walk with Mikko and put an arm around his shoulder. 

Deleted 3 years ago

spoiler!! and question                 

does anyone have a guess  who Lake has a crush on? (on devon route i think)

i can bet it's either torulf or rune

(1 edit) (+4)

I dont think runes is his crush I bet it would be torulf

Can anyone please tell me how to get the second illustration ? I feel like I've tried every choice and yet I still haven't unlocked it. Thanks in advance !



have lunch with lake, talk with Rune, find  the key with him, agree


Finally a Bjorn update!! 😄  I love this bear so much because his humbleness and his friendly attitude! I want to hug him and rest in this lovely guy's chest! ❤ 

 Anyone know how to fix this?


Wow. That's looks like some really weird RenPy glitch. Do you get it each time you try to get past that point? 

In any case, clicking Ignore should proceed the game 

So it happens in almost all the same ones, but when the lights go out in day 2, it happens there as wel


It's admittedly been a while since I last played! I also got a new laptop since I last played and though the experience would be better than on my phone (it is, btw).

Because it's been a while, I wanted to play through routes I attempted when I began and I was just so delighted with Jørgen! I understand that some of the other characters might be more popular with fans, like Rune and Bjørn. But I do hope more happens with Jørgen. 

I'm also excited to try different routes that I didn't before, especially since so much has been updated. ^_^ I hope that the progress of this novel is going smoothly for everyone involved. I'm really enjoying this story!


is there nsfw owo


(2 edits) (+2)



that makes sense (o゜▽゜)o☆

Wait excuse me?? When was this mentioned???

(1 edit) (+1)


During Rune's route, Arvo, Rune, Mikko, Travis, Lake, and Torulf will play the game Never Have I Ever to pass the time. When it's your turn and you choose the 'Never have I ever stolen anything' option, Travis will be the only one to admit that he has stolen something before. He did it because, and I quote: "I had a friend who wanted to get back with their old friend, and I felt they needed a small nudge. So to help him I took something from that person for a while... but as soon as I noticed it wasn't working I returned it."

Obviously, the 'friend' Travis is referring to is Mikko, and who else is Mikko's old friend but Arvo? And the item Travis stole is without a doubt Arvo's room key. I never expected it lol


(Warning: Wall of Text) 

Oh dang, played that specific scene multiple times and never really connected those two events lmao. 

Although I have a bit of a problem with this theory. I don't think there has been any time where Travis was alone with us in order for him to steal or return the key into our bag? 

(I'm gonna be using Rune's route for easier explanation) Arvo finds the key while still being inside of Rune's room so if Travis were to return the key, it has to have happened the day prior. And if I recall correctly, every decision for "hang outs" has a decision where Travis isn't involved so that makes it hard for him to slip it back in the bag. There's also the matter of stealing the key in the first place which has the same issue and also, if I recall correctly, Arvo always has his bag on him so it's practically impossible for Travis to get it unnoticed. Also, there's the fact that Travis only just met Mikko so it would be very weird for Travis to risk his reputation by stealing Arvo's key. These are just my thoughts lmao 

But then again, Travis' story matches up real well with Mikko and Arvo so that theory still has alot of credit. 

(I didn't realize how big of a wall of text this is until I finished it lmao so sorry about that.) 


Nah, no problem. Any kind of speculation is welcome. You actually made a very good point, even. I've also considered the idea that maybe Travis isn't vaguely referring to Mikko and Arvo and that it may have been something he did in past way before the events of Dawn Chorus; could have just been a coincidence the events sounded very similar to what happened to Arvo. It just adds more questions as to who would have taken Arvo's room key.

(4 edits) (+1)


He was talking about bjørn

In Bjørn's route 

He said that Travis entered his literary piece in his name without his knowledge.


(If you haven't 't played the most recent update, only read this when you have.)

Well damn, you were spot-on with Travis, props to you dude! 



It's possible for Travis to stole the key.

reference: after the first meal scene in cafeteria, when Arvo returned to his room

"I bump into a few students on my way out of the cafeteria, but thankfully the bun didn't take any damage"

I forgot who Travis was since the last time I've played this was maybe.. 0.4?

the tanuki


What came to mind first was Konousuke from morenatsu but yeah, I remember now thanks ^ w^

lol that is understandable


I love this VN so much, possibly the best I've ever played

(1 edit) (+7)

Update day, woooo ! I'm new here, so does anyone know what time updates are supposed to drop ? Thanks a lot in advance, I can't wait to see more of best bear boy Bjørn.

Edit: welp, nevermind then! So around 18 here in France, I'll keep that in mind.


I wanted to say that this is seriously one of THE best visual novels I have seen. Only a few others have either tied or been slightly better than this. The art is truly amazing and beautiful. It really takes your breath away when you see each new artwork.

The story is extremely well written and gives great explanations. Though I will say I am a slight bit confused as to what exactly Klaus is trying to do, but I understand it’s going to be explained later on.

The characters are all extremely lovable AND relatable. It’s very nice to have a gradual romance and relatable experiences instead of going right to the love.

The visual novel also is great as it explains other cultures in great detail. I’ve always enjoyed learning new things. I got to learn a lot of things about Finnish culture. The music is beautifully written and the various foods make me want to try them.

The novel also has beautiful artwork of nature. It really makes me smile and feel happy seeing beautiful scenes of nature. I know it sounds weird, but the novel has so much that really makes it amazing. 

I can’t wait to see more updates. This really has great potential to become one of the best visual novels that I know. I will say that I really hope to see more Devon content soon. He is extremely sexy and handsome!

I know you will keep doing so well. Thank you for making the visual novel. I really am grateful for it. It’s also helped calm me down during some moments of anxiety. So thank you for making such a lovable visual novel.


At the permission of Keo Blau (composer), my friend ElkSponge has transcribed Red Scarf! (the piece Mikko plays at the piano in the common room)
Check this tweet for the links!


As a russian that lives in finland, that also had a childhood friend named Mikko, I had some paranoia when I started this game. 

Honestly, this game is amazing, and I love the cutesy artstyle and storytelling. Really no complaints so far, english is also impecable but it just seems that scandinavian people in general have amazing english.


Привет! Как там в Финляндии? В прошлый раз так к вам и не попал из-за ковида.

У нас все как обычно, у власти врунишки, погода мерзкая, но мы держимся:)

(1 edit) (+2)

Can i ask what is the name of the piano piece Mikko played at the common area? Is it a piece made for the game or can i find it on youtube?

Edit: So the name is Red Scarf and its specifically made for the game, i want to play the piece on my piano but im new to playing and i cant transcribe yet, although i managed to do the G Clef of the Beginning. (Sorry i dont know how to use musical terms correctly yet)


my friend transcribed it recently. I don't know if i can send the link to it, so I tweeted out Dawn Chorus asking. No reply yet

hey how can I fix the traceback error?


Just finished the update on Devon's route and... Welp, this is where I live now.

(2 edits) (+6)

*respectfully throws travis for stopping the kiss* 
this torture ;-;
also omgthatdevonartissoamazing

I wonder , where can I get my hands on the music Torulf plays on the ... vinyl player ? I really really like it and I'd love to listen to it outside of the game


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