It wont let me play this new update, it came up with a file that my antivirus was blocking me from downloading the game, then when I deal with said file the game wont even load up. How do I fix this??
In the settings of antivirus add file\folder of game to exception of scanning\monitoring. You can find instructions in google like "how to add file in exception in {antivirus name}"
God this game is intense. I've played the routes of Mikko, Jørgen, and Torulf. Loved all of them, but Torulf's was especially tough to get through (in a good way kind of).
Also, I've already met Guðrún from my second playthrough with Jørgen, but seeing her again in Torulf's route and going through each and every choice to see her new dialogue made me really happy. I love her and I hope I'll get to see her more in future possible routes!
I also headcanon her as trans right now because she really gives me that vibe (and I'm a trans woman and I find myself really attached to her). I could definitely be wrong but it's a nice thought.
I'm not a fan of how ham-fisted Gudrun's appearance is in Torulf's route if you don't do anything on the first night. After playing spin the bottle, she just appears out of nowhere at dinner and decides she's your friend now.
"What's your number? Where do you live?", and she voices her opinions about someone she's never met... It made me feel really uncomfortable and not at all friendly towards her, but Arvo just... goes with it? Without my input? :(
It feels awkward and uncomfortable, I hope this gets reworked. I don't understand why she even needs to make an appearance here, we already have plenty of characters who would be perfect to talk this out with.
And her appearance if you stop seeing Torulf is... Same question, really - why is she there at all? Why can't you run into just Bjorn? Or literally any other of your friends? She just hijacks the plot and you get no say anymore, I hate that. I hope this gets changed, the next Torulf update is upon us, after all!
p.s. Also she's kinda mean to Lake in Jorgen's route, so, I'm generally not a fan of her.
Downloaded for gay furries stayed for the music references. Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Tangerine Dream were nice sure but the Telefon Tel-Aviv reference had me in stitches! Even went the extra mile to change it for a different Israeli city
But jesus christ, the author has been hurt by someone.
p.s. The entire Torulf route and bar ending are genuinely horrifying. Or maybe they are only horrifying to me because something like that happened to me. Being taken advantage of and abused while you're helplessly dying inside is no fun and I'm still shaken a whole day after playing that route because it put me back in that mindspace of being cynically used.
Someone nice doesn't equal someone good, kids. Stick to your own age pool when dating.
Man. I've gone from a Lieutenant to a monkey living in Germany when I hardly know English or German. I haven't even seen my girlfriend in two years. I'm hoping that god doesn't allow me to wind up like this fellow, but chances are, if I'm on here, I don't really have much hope anyway
That’s true, but things aren’t easy to get by when you’re Russian and you’re associated with the military. Most understand that I left long before the current conflict, but some still desperately try to inflate their fragile ego by insulting others. But, I can’t complain; Britain and Germany are by far the best countries that were available, and I managed to get in a good one. If I ended up in Georgia or America, It’d be pretty damn hard to make do.
TL;DR: It's basically the rape route. Just because Arvo does it all willingly doesn't make it better - he was taken advantage of and manipulated into those actions.
Torulf spent his youth working and making money, then realized he lost something he will never be able to get back - the excitement of exploring his sexuality in that tender age he left behind.
So now he's compensating himself by stealing that experience from young trusting boys. He is nice, and gentle, and generous, but this is just a way to lure people like Lake and Arvo into doing something they don't really want to. They want to be seen, and felt, and loved, but he's substituting it for lust and keeping them at a hand's length, never truly giving them what they want, making them suffer, while having all the fun he wants with them.
Mikko sees right through Torulf, because he is mentally more developed and experienced than Arvo and Lake combined - he had his heart crushed before, he's been in a relationship, and no doubt he had people hit on him only being interested in some action. He quickly figured out Torulf doesn't need anything more than leeching love and adoration from the boys who don't know any better.
At the moment of the bar scene, Arvo is in love with Torulf, and Lake hates himself and is afraid to be alone again.
Lake came to terms with his situation, persuading himself this is the best he can do, content to be Torulf's fucktoy, but he recognizes the situation Arvo is in, since he's been there himself not so long ago. Arvo thinks he is in a relationship with Torulf, but he is just a toy.
Lake feels horrible for Arvo and wishes he could explain it all, but he doesn't have the strength, he is afraid to lose what little good grace he has with Torulf, so he just sits there, watching Arvo dying inside, feeling like shit about it. Meanwhile Arvo doesn't understand why Torulf is openly hitting on Lake in front of him, driving home the point that having Arvo isn't enough for Torulf, that what they had meant nothing to him. Arvo is dying a thousand deaths in that bar scene and so is Lake. All while Torulf is having the time of his life, playing with two cute boys who can't say no to him.
Torulf route could be even more on the nose only if he actually raped Lake and Arvo, but there was never any need for that, he poisoned them with adoration for him, tied them to himself in a way no rope ever could, and now does whatever he wants with their bodies. This is vile and truly horrifying in how manipulative and cynical it is.
Having been in this situation myself, I must say it was described almost beat by beat how I experienced it, though in real life there was more time between events. Going through the experience Lake and Arvo did feels like becoming dirty under your skin, dirty in a way you will never be able to wash off. I heard actual rape victims describe their experience this way and I'm not surprised.
But i have others doubts about that ending. like what is the meaning of the scene when Arvo was with Torulf in the flower field and Torulf last words were "praise"?
The flower field means nothing on its own, it's just a dreamy background, and any symbolism you might find in it would be forced, it's just artistic choice and nothing more.
Praise is what Torulf wants - he didn't get enough love when he was younger and now he feels like the world owes him all the love he can get his paws on, no matter who gets hurt in the process, since in his eyes, its his to take, with nothing owed in return. He wants, he NEEDS for people to want him, to crave him, to love him.
Torulf is a horrible person who hurt himself in his shallowness, and is now trying to drown his own fear of coming to terms with his reality by piling young bodies on it.
BTW, this is pure assumption, but since the author has been so thorough when writing Torulf, I imagine I can make it. Torulf is coming on to Arvo so hard precisely because Mikko rebuffed him. You can' imagine how hard it hurts people like him when someone doesn't want them, it's a knife wound on their world - someone dares to keep from him what he deserves, something that he imagines he owns, and there's nothing he can do about it. So of course he rushed to put another body onto the pile and fuck Arvo - he needed to distract himself from the defeat.
Honestly, one of my favorite VN's I've ever played. There's romance, there's tension, there's drama... I love how each story builds and grows as it progresses. I can't wait to see how each character's story arc finishes! And the art is amazing too. I am particularly intrigued by Rune, Mikko, and Torulf's stories, but all of them are fantastic in their own ways.
Spoilers from Mikkos Route! AND SORRY WRITING SO MUCH
A lot of people seem annoyed at the "Bad ending" of Mikkos Route, but I think I have somewhat of a different take here, I personally don't like to attach to the past, I find it kinda toxic, so when I saw that an old best friend was out there in the romance options, I just avoided him and played every other route first and left Mikko for last, and as I got to know him first by the others routes, It kinda creeped me out how petty and obsessive he seemed to be, he's fixated on us, in a unique toxic way, and I kinda disliked him for that.
So when I played his route I couldn't help to see the red flags of someone who felt powerless, he had to move from home because of you, he lost all his friends because of you, and then as soon as you come back, he changes himself to please you, (you can even see his inner thoughts, he's really obssesed to please you!).
And from what I get from all the other routes, is that he didn't move on from you after all this years, and even if you didn't either, at least you're trying. He remembers every single detail of those days with you because he wrote all of those same details on a diary that he STILL reads years later, repeating all of those events like mantras, and despises you for not remembering those days as well as he does now. I was SO creeped out until the end.
And... since I played all the others routes first, I dettached from him as a character, but if you do that, you can start to perceive all this toxic form of attachment he's formed with the idea of you.
I really like the "Bad ending" because it makes a lot of sense for his character, you're kinda the Torulf on his life, and by choosing to re-attach to Mikko instead of moving on with the other routes and characters, you're awakening all this trauma that he had to endure, bringing the worst in him.
In my personal opinion, that's why both of his endings are bad, because the only way of giving HIM a good ending is by not choosing him on the first place.
Spectacular writing! Kudos to the creator for giving us the opportunity to get to know a character through other routes, instead of just writing him off or ignoring his existence, as many other writers would do.
For me the issue isn't that there isn't a good ending but rather that the aggressiveness of it was pretty out there. You're definitely right about the red flags though, especially when you consider the first bad end you can get in Mikko's route.
I don't completely agree that Arvo is his Torulf though. I guess from Mikko's perspective, sure. The shit that happened was like in junior high I think it was mentioned. While shit can carry with us I highly doubt that's the kind of trauma that would create such a sadistic method of dealing with shit. What's more likely is that something way worse happened afterward (the mentioned boyfriend maybe?). Then Arvo comes along and he tried desperately to cling to something positive but ultimately uses Arvo as an easy punching bag instead (Arvo is kind of a push-over).
It should also be noted that Arvo had tried to avoid Mikko for the most part. Sure it was ultimately his choice when the key goes missing but Mikko was the one who tried to reconnect first. I don't think it's fair to blame Arvo for relenting to reconnect, especially when he's clearly not good at seeing red flags. I could see why you would feel awkward about Mikko's route being a route but in Arvo's perspective at the choice, this is him reconnecting with a friend not choosing a romantic partner.
That said though. We don't know the details on other things and his behavior throughout are signs of a very unhealthy person. It will take a lot to turn the route around and have it not be toxic and if I were in place of Arvo I wouldn't even try after the blow up (And get the police involved in terms of the bad ending). I'm gonna say it, Mikko is a bad dog! Bad dog!
He isn't, there are passages that state outright that he's taller.
You must be confused because of the art where they are cozying up to each other next to a windowsill. That art is a lie.
I wish the arts in this VN were made by someone who actually played it, with at least some level of respect to the main style. As it stands right now, they are all completely detached from everythign else you see and read in the story, it's silly.
That's fair. The only passage I could find that I thought confirmed he was taller says, "he is just the right size for me to snuggle into myself comfortably." Which is a weird phrasing. I originally thought it meant that Arvo was snuggling into Lake, but it seems clear now that it's the opposite.
I don't know if something is wrong with the version i downloaded, but when i open the game files there are no sprites, backgrounds or .rpy files to speak of. Since i really like redrawing on paper singular sprites or CGs, i was wondering if there was any fersion of the game that has them in the game files. Could anyone help me please?
I don't know... I just finished the new Mikko play through, and without giving away too much, considering Mikko's mindset, his reaction is justified in a lot of ways. Although, I don't think his reaction was as visceral and concrete as I had been led to believe through several comments.
I mean it's a painful situation for certain, but it left me with more hope for the future and the power of change than anything.
It can't be, Mikko's route was not what I expected at all, it was beautiful, but I really wanted to stay with Mikko and in all the endings we didn't end well.
Please tell me this is not the permanent end of Mikko's route, that somehow they could be together again 😭
genuinely this awoke something in me in a good way i cannot stop thinking about this game 24/7- especially RUNE!!!! he's such a good character and i really am excited to see where his story and route progresses with Arvo!
I want to know why "I" didn't tell me why I chose to escape Mikko before, and whether he didn't want to see me after I knocked on the door, or whether my play was a bad ending? I really want to know if this can trigger a good ending. All my choices are in Mikko's favor.
As far as I know, the "good" ending is really just the one that didn't go horribly wrong, which depended on a choice earlier on in Mikko's route. You're good, it's just this day ended like that.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i'm fucking crying rn ;-; dude it's 1:30 in the morning why did you do this to meeeeeeeeeee! mikko's route is so fucking cool dude ;-;
It was confusing to me too, took a bit of browsing the comments here to figure out. If the route ends with a sunset scene and cuts to thanking the patrons, you got the better ending!
Don't overthink your choices too much, the good/bad routes are determined by events that occur before this update's release (0.32).
If you haven't played the Mikko update yet, listen to Dawn Chorus by Thom Yorke! It really sets the mood a lot more, and in my case gave more of an impact while playing!! I highly recommend it
Wow, i don't have words to describe how i feel after playing Mikko's path, it gives you hope, but realism at the same time, it really touched me, i can identify with many things, both of Mikko and Arvo, and including the song by Thom Yorke was truly amazing.
I must admit i cried, i think the message of that ending is to let go but not forgeting, to be sincere and living the moment, live each second you can with that person you love, and don't be afraid of telling them what you feel.
I dare to say that Dawn Chorus has changed me, the soundtrack inspires me to create music and gives peace.
Thank you so much for creating this game and keep it going, thanks again.
Okay so uh Miko have sad ending wich is rather dissapointing(in my opinion) but i guess there have to be one( but please consider doing good ending too)
I really wish they could be happy together :c
I love Biørn(i apologize if i writed IT wrongly) route, i dont know why but he reminds me slightly of myself( even fact that he Knows few words in Polish make's my hearth warm since its my homeland language) but his story is nice overall
I wish everyone a good day/evening/afternoon/night whenever you read it :>
It's not the end of the route, of course! Day 3 can end in one of two ways on Mikko route, and the one with credits is an actual end, while the other will be continued in the next updates.
I made both endings, and i think (hope) that this is the one who will be continued... i will not spoil the other end, but the credits aren't the same... and at least you two have talked
I'm a little confused. I'm pretty sure that the Mikko ending where you get the option to knock on his door is the "good" one and where it continues from and whatnot, but there are credits after that..? Are there just more credit-y credits on the "bad" end, or is that really where it continues from?
My favourite route so far is Rune's route, i love how wholesome it feels and i am so on-edge with the cliffhanger on day 3. I cant wait to see it continue i feel bad for rune so much
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Y'all... be honest... which one did you choose for the new update?
One or two, for the sake of avoiding spoilers?
Made a save instead, so I can experience both sides.
That's totally fair. I'm obviously gonna play both as well.
It wont let me play this new update, it came up with a file that my antivirus was blocking me from downloading the game, then when I deal with said file the game wont even load up. How do I fix this??
In the settings of antivirus add file\folder of game to exception of scanning\monitoring. You can find instructions in google like "how to add file in exception in {antivirus name}"
I have attempted to do that still refuses to allow me to play
The 3D map that has been used for the backgrounds looks really good. If it is available anywhere, it would be nice to explore it in VR!
God this game is intense. I've played the routes of Mikko, Jørgen, and Torulf. Loved all of them, but Torulf's was especially tough to get through (in a good way kind of).
Also, I've already met Guðrún from my second playthrough with Jørgen, but seeing her again in Torulf's route and going through each and every choice to see her new dialogue made me really happy. I love her and I hope I'll get to see her more in future possible routes!
I also headcanon her as trans right now because she really gives me that vibe (and I'm a trans woman and I find myself really attached to her). I could definitely be wrong but it's a nice thought.
Here's hoping there shall be more Guðrún content!
I'm not a fan of how ham-fisted Gudrun's appearance is in Torulf's route if you don't do anything on the first night. After playing spin the bottle, she just appears out of nowhere at dinner and decides she's your friend now.
"What's your number? Where do you live?", and she voices her opinions about someone she's never met... It made me feel really uncomfortable and not at all friendly towards her, but Arvo just... goes with it? Without my input? :(
It feels awkward and uncomfortable, I hope this gets reworked. I don't understand why she even needs to make an appearance here, we already have plenty of characters who would be perfect to talk this out with.
And her appearance if you stop seeing Torulf is... Same question, really - why is she there at all? Why can't you run into just Bjorn? Or literally any other of your friends? She just hijacks the plot and you get no say anymore, I hate that. I hope this gets changed, the next Torulf update is upon us, after all!
p.s. Also she's kinda mean to Lake in Jorgen's route, so, I'm generally not a fan of her.
do not leave me on a cliff hanger with jorgens route puhLEAAASEEE 😭
is there some official\unofficial discord server of this game? can someone give a link?
If v0.34 was a Sesame Street episode:
" Today's update is bought to you by the letter 'douchebag'. "
I really hope the choice at the end doesn't have a impact to the story, and if it does, please be a good impact!!🥺🥺
Ugh such a good update! Loved every second of it!!✨✨❤️❤️
my virus software stop opening the zip file for pc due to a detected threat in newest update
So peaceful yet so cute and hot at the same time, Mikko needs to watch himself with his behaviour a bit tho
Downloaded for gay furries stayed for the music references.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Tangerine Dream were nice sure but the Telefon Tel-Aviv reference had me in stitches! Even went the extra mile to change it for a different Israeli city
someone have a guide to unlock mikko bad endings?
Just don't follow him outside when he says he has plans. That's enough to switch to the bad route.
I thought it was just a cute VN.
Some routes are even cute.
But jesus christ, the author has been hurt by someone.
p.s. The entire Torulf route and bar ending are genuinely horrifying. Or maybe they are only horrifying to me because something like that happened to me. Being taken advantage of and abused while you're helplessly dying inside is no fun and I'm still shaken a whole day after playing that route because it put me back in that mindspace of being cynically used.
Someone nice doesn't equal someone good, kids. Stick to your own age pool when dating.
Man. I've gone from a Lieutenant to a monkey living in Germany when I hardly know English or German. I haven't even seen my girlfriend in two years. I'm hoping that god doesn't allow me to wind up like this fellow, but chances are, if I'm on here, I don't really have much hope anyway
That’s true, but things aren’t easy to get by when you’re Russian and you’re associated with the military. Most understand that I left long before the current conflict, but some still desperately try to inflate their fragile ego by insulting others. But, I can’t complain; Britain and Germany are by far the best countries that were available, and I managed to get in a good one. If I ended up in Georgia or America, It’d be pretty damn hard to make do.
What happens in that ending ? Can you tell me? Because i already saw it but i don't understand it
tldr is under the spoiler
TL;DR: It's basically the rape route. Just because Arvo does it all willingly doesn't make it better - he was taken advantage of and manipulated into those actions.
Torulf spent his youth working and making money, then realized he lost something he will never be able to get back - the excitement of exploring his sexuality in that tender age he left behind.
So now he's compensating himself by stealing that experience from young trusting boys. He is nice, and gentle, and generous, but this is just a way to lure people like Lake and Arvo into doing something they don't really want to. They want to be seen, and felt, and loved, but he's substituting it for lust and keeping them at a hand's length, never truly giving them what they want, making them suffer, while having all the fun he wants with them.
Mikko sees right through Torulf, because he is mentally more developed and experienced than Arvo and Lake combined - he had his heart crushed before, he's been in a relationship, and no doubt he had people hit on him only being interested in some action. He quickly figured out Torulf doesn't need anything more than leeching love and adoration from the boys who don't know any better.
At the moment of the bar scene, Arvo is in love with Torulf, and Lake hates himself and is afraid to be alone again.
Lake came to terms with his situation, persuading himself this is the best he can do, content to be Torulf's fucktoy, but he recognizes the situation Arvo is in, since he's been there himself not so long ago. Arvo thinks he is in a relationship with Torulf, but he is just a toy.
Lake feels horrible for Arvo and wishes he could explain it all, but he doesn't have the strength, he is afraid to lose what little good grace he has with Torulf, so he just sits there, watching Arvo dying inside, feeling like shit about it. Meanwhile Arvo doesn't understand why Torulf is openly hitting on Lake in front of him, driving home the point that having Arvo isn't enough for Torulf, that what they had meant nothing to him. Arvo is dying a thousand deaths in that bar scene and so is Lake. All while Torulf is having the time of his life, playing with two cute boys who can't say no to him.
Torulf route could be even more on the nose only if he actually raped Lake and Arvo, but there was never any need for that, he poisoned them with adoration for him, tied them to himself in a way no rope ever could, and now does whatever he wants with their bodies. This is vile and truly horrifying in how manipulative and cynical it is.
Having been in this situation myself, I must say it was described almost beat by beat how I experienced it, though in real life there was more time between events. Going through the experience Lake and Arvo did feels like becoming dirty under your skin, dirty in a way you will never be able to wash off. I heard actual rape victims describe their experience this way and I'm not surprised.
ok thanks for explain it.
But i have others doubts about that ending. like what is the meaning of the scene when Arvo was with Torulf in the flower field and Torulf last words were "praise"?
The flower field means nothing on its own, it's just a dreamy background, and any symbolism you might find in it would be forced, it's just artistic choice and nothing more.
Praise is what Torulf wants - he didn't get enough love when he was younger and now he feels like the world owes him all the love he can get his paws on, no matter who gets hurt in the process, since in his eyes, its his to take, with nothing owed in return. He wants, he NEEDS for people to want him, to crave him, to love him.
Torulf is a horrible person who hurt himself in his shallowness, and is now trying to drown his own fear of coming to terms with his reality by piling young bodies on it.
BTW, this is pure assumption, but since the author has been so thorough when writing Torulf, I imagine I can make it. Torulf is coming on to Arvo so hard precisely because Mikko rebuffed him. You can' imagine how hard it hurts people like him when someone doesn't want them, it's a knife wound on their world - someone dares to keep from him what he deserves, something that he imagines he owns, and there's nothing he can do about it. So of course he rushed to put another body onto the pile and fuck Arvo - he needed to distract himself from the defeat.
Honestly, one of my favorite VN's I've ever played. There's romance, there's tension, there's drama... I love how each story builds and grows as it progresses. I can't wait to see how each character's story arc finishes! And the art is amazing too. I am particularly intrigued by Rune, Mikko, and Torulf's stories, but all of them are fantastic in their own ways.
Spoilers from Mikkos Route! AND SORRY WRITING SO MUCH
A lot of people seem annoyed at the "Bad ending" of Mikkos Route, but I think I have somewhat of a different take here, I personally don't like to attach to the past, I find it kinda toxic, so when I saw that an old best friend was out there in the romance options, I just avoided him and played every other route first and left Mikko for last, and as I got to know him first by the others routes, It kinda creeped me out how petty and obsessive he seemed to be, he's fixated on us, in a unique toxic way, and I kinda disliked him for that.
So when I played his route I couldn't help to see the red flags of someone who felt powerless, he had to move from home because of you, he lost all his friends because of you, and then as soon as you come back, he changes himself to please you, (you can even see his inner thoughts, he's really obssesed to please you!).
And from what I get from all the other routes, is that he didn't move on from you after all this years, and even if you didn't either, at least you're trying. He remembers every single detail of those days with you because he wrote all of those same details on a diary that he STILL reads years later, repeating all of those events like mantras, and despises you for not remembering those days as well as he does now. I was SO creeped out until the end.
And... since I played all the others routes first, I dettached from him as a character, but if you do that, you can start to perceive all this toxic form of attachment he's formed with the idea of you.
I really like the "Bad ending" because it makes a lot of sense for his character, you're kinda the Torulf on his life, and by choosing to re-attach to Mikko instead of moving on with the other routes and characters, you're awakening all this trauma that he had to endure, bringing the worst in him.
In my personal opinion, that's why both of his endings are bad, because the only way of giving HIM a good ending is by not choosing him on the first place.
Spectacular writing! Kudos to the creator for giving us the opportunity to get to know a character through other routes, instead of just writing him off or ignoring his existence, as many other writers would do.
spoiler reply
For me the issue isn't that there isn't a good ending but rather that the aggressiveness of it was pretty out there. You're definitely right about the red flags though, especially when you consider the first bad end you can get in Mikko's route.
I don't completely agree that Arvo is his Torulf though. I guess from Mikko's perspective, sure. The shit that happened was like in junior high I think it was mentioned. While shit can carry with us I highly doubt that's the kind of trauma that would create such a sadistic method of dealing with shit. What's more likely is that something way worse happened afterward (the mentioned boyfriend maybe?). Then Arvo comes along and he tried desperately to cling to something positive but ultimately uses Arvo as an easy punching bag instead (Arvo is kind of a push-over).
It should also be noted that Arvo had tried to avoid Mikko for the most part. Sure it was ultimately his choice when the key goes missing but Mikko was the one who tried to reconnect first. I don't think it's fair to blame Arvo for relenting to reconnect, especially when he's clearly not good at seeing red flags. I could see why you would feel awkward about Mikko's route being a route but in Arvo's perspective at the choice, this is him reconnecting with a friend not choosing a romantic partner.
That said though. We don't know the details on other things and his behavior throughout are signs of a very unhealthy person. It will take a lot to turn the route around and have it not be toxic and if I were in place of Arvo I wouldn't even try after the blow up (And get the police involved in terms of the bad ending). I'm gonna say it, Mikko is a bad dog! Bad dog!
wAiT!!?? LaKe Is ShOrTeR tHaN aRvO??!?!?!?
He isn't, there are passages that state outright that he's taller.
You must be confused because of the art where they are cozying up to each other next to a windowsill. That art is a lie.
I wish the arts in this VN were made by someone who actually played it, with at least some level of respect to the main style. As it stands right now, they are all completely detached from everythign else you see and read in the story, it's silly.
What passage are you referring to? I thought he was taller too, but reading through like the fifth time I'm not so sure now.
As it stands, I think the art is good.
Well I won't replay the entire Lake route again just to remember where exactly the game says that he's taller. But it definitely happened.
That's fair. The only passage I could find that I thought confirmed he was taller says, "he is just the right size for me to snuggle into myself comfortably." Which is a weird phrasing. I originally thought it meant that Arvo was snuggling into Lake, but it seems clear now that it's the opposite.
Nonono, there was something about his head being higher than Arvo's when they were standing together, or hugging, or something like that.
Woah, just tried out the bad ending of mikko's route. It is not at all what i expected
I don't know if I can bring myself to play it... I've heard some stuff, but I haven't gotten the up the courage to actually do it myself.
I dont want to spoil it, but i think it was unexpected. if you want to try that ending go for it, but yeah expect the unexpected
i was so frustrated
How did you get it? I don’t think I figured it out yet.
Edit: oops nvm I got it…
please please please i need more Rune content! im begging you guys
Umm. I get the same ending no matter what i choose to do at the end with the knocking. Is there a decision before it that affects it?
Oh. Okay thanks. I wont be changing the ending then. I dont need more pain.
Spoiler: Both endings are equally as bad. He put the word good in quotation marks for a pretty apt reason.
This is just a general question, but can you read the messages people post with their ratings?
I don't think so...? I could be wrong though.
I think that the creators can, but not others
Lake is a good boy, perhaps the goodest, but Jørgen is just a chill dude
tysm for making this! love to have a novel i can go back to that makes me go :3
I feel like bjørn is very much the, "I'm not gay............ For anyone but you," kind of guy and I'm here for that. I just want them to be happy. 🥺
Yes!! Ugh and I love him for it
Bjorn is best big boi
Fr fr 🥴
Are we ever going to have an update on Klaus? my favorite character hasn't been updated in so long😭
Can't wait his demons summons arc 😭
frrr, the picture of him in the main menu Got me Dying😭
can anyone explain the good ending to me cuz i don't know if i got it or not
If you got the sunset picture and a list of patterns, then supposedly it was the good ending. I loathe to imagine the bad ending.
i got the one where their in the woods and after the talk they had Mikko turns and runs, not sure which one that is, Thats how it ends
Did you ever get back to the guest house?
yes i think i did
And walk past mikkos door?
it says im unable to expand the zip file on the mac download?
In the newest update i heard 2 audio tracks near the end of mikkos route, are they in the soundtrack? or will they be added sometime?
I don't know if something is wrong with the version i downloaded, but when i open the game files there are no sprites, backgrounds or .rpy files to speak of. Since i really like redrawing on paper singular sprites or CGs, i was wondering if there was any fersion of the game that has them in the game files. Could anyone help me please?
I don't know... I just finished the new Mikko play through, and without giving away too much, considering Mikko's mindset, his reaction is justified in a lot of ways. Although, I don't think his reaction was as visceral and concrete as I had been led to believe through several comments.
I mean it's a painful situation for certain, but it left me with more hope for the future and the power of change than anything.
Definitely the, "good," ending. I Haven't been ballsy enough to play through the bad ending yet. Just heard about it.
That's what I heard. Crazy shiz man.
It can't be, Mikko's route was not what I expected at all, it was beautiful, but I really wanted to stay with Mikko and in all the endings we didn't end well.
Please tell me this is not the permanent end of Mikko's route, that somehow they could be together again 😭
I just finished his update and i kinda know what your feeling right now, i too feel sad on how this ended. 😭
genuinely this awoke something in me in a good way i cannot stop thinking about this game 24/7- especially RUNE!!!! he's such a good character and i really am excited to see where his story and route progresses with Arvo!
I want to know why "I" didn't tell me why I chose to escape Mikko before, and whether he didn't want to see me after I knocked on the door, or whether my play was a bad ending? I really want to know if this can trigger a good ending. All my choices are in Mikko's favor.
As far as I know, the "good" ending is really just the one that didn't go horribly wrong, which depended on a choice earlier on in Mikko's route. You're good, it's just this day ended like that.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i'm fucking crying rn ;-; dude it's 1:30 in the morning why did you do this to meeeeeeeeeee! mikko's route is so fucking cool dude ;-;
It was confusing to me too, took a bit of browsing the comments here to figure out. If the route ends with a sunset scene and cuts to thanking the patrons, you got the better ending!
Don't overthink your choices too much, the good/bad routes are determined by events that occur before this update's release (0.32).
If you haven't played the Mikko update yet, listen to Dawn Chorus by Thom Yorke! It really sets the mood a lot more, and in my case gave more of an impact while playing!! I highly recommend it
I didn't know Thom Yorke had a solo project... 🥺
Wow, i don't have words to describe how i feel after playing Mikko's path, it gives you hope, but realism at the same time, it really touched me, i can identify with many things, both of Mikko and Arvo, and including the song by Thom Yorke was truly amazing.
I must admit i cried, i think the message of that ending is to let go but not forgeting, to be sincere and living the moment, live each second you can with that person you love, and don't be afraid of telling them what you feel.
I dare to say that Dawn Chorus has changed me, the soundtrack inspires me to create music and gives peace.
Thank you so much for creating this game and keep it going, thanks again.
Okay so uh Miko have sad ending wich is rather dissapointing(in my opinion) but i guess there have to be one( but please consider doing good ending too)
I really wish they could be happy together :c
I love Biørn(i apologize if i writed IT wrongly) route, i dont know why but he reminds me slightly of myself( even fact that he Knows few words in Polish make's my hearth warm since its my homeland language) but his story is nice overall
I wish everyone a good day/evening/afternoon/night whenever you read it :>
(Dev's please give Miko happy ending one day :c)
It's not the end of the route, of course! Day 3 can end in one of two ways on Mikko route, and the one with credits is an actual end, while the other will be continued in the next updates.
Sssooooo... i got the credits when I didnt knock.. so i have to knock to continue the route when the next Mikko update cones out?
I made both endings, and i think (hope) that this is the one who will be continued... i will not spoil the other end, but the credits aren't the same... and at least you two have talked
I'm a little confused. I'm pretty sure that the Mikko ending where you get the option to knock on his door is the "good" one and where it continues from and whatnot, but there are credits after that..? Are there just more credit-y credits on the "bad" end, or is that really where it continues from?
Never mind. I checked out the bad end and it's uh... Something...
My favourite route so far is Rune's route, i love how wholesome it feels and i am so on-edge with the cliffhanger on day 3. I cant wait to see it continue i feel bad for rune so much