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I'm really hoping to get more for the Devon's route soon!

Just wondering is there any chance day 4 for lake is coming out any time soon ?

Lake's day 3 isn't finished yet!

Deleted 1 year ago

a litle heads up, we will get 5 days for every route, and they can end early if you chose the right options. updates come every month or two too ^w^ 

Deleted 1 year ago

I don't know why, but there is a perfect song for the Mikko route that I just remembered.
Young - Vacations

(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

hey dawn chorus, may i know the name of the guesthouse that they are visiting, or is it a fake location that you made up ^w^? (it seems so nice there =w=)

I think Bjorn's route says it's called Birdsong

Thank you, i will try to find it, oh yeah may I know when he says that or what day it is? ^w^

oof, I can't remember, but I do remember he says it while the group is outside, it's the same background as the Lake snowball fight

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Wait are all the paths 3 days max? Im sorry if I keep asking questions this is my first time reading a furry Vn and I can say this one will always be my FAVORITEEEE🙏🏻


I think the devs said once that all routes are gonna get 5 days. depending on your choices tho some routes can reach an end. like with SPOILERS and SPOILERS(twice!)

thank god i hope they do make all the routes 5 days🙏🏻😭

The shortest route is 2 days and you end it alone

nah, the shortest route is 1 day and you fucking die! still a good route tho, more people should read it. SPOILERS! 

start the Mikko route but when you find your key choose to just stay in your room instead. Mikko will try to change your mind but if you stick to your guns that'll set you in the "right" path


Will there be more of Rune😓? I feel like the ending was such a cliffhanger hes my favorite character so I wish there was more to the story other than it ending on him being mad he wasn’t accepted :((

I know! I need to know what happens!

The update for him is already out on Patreon and will be released here on 19.02!

Just out of curiosity when will 19.02 be out.? 


19.02 is 19th of February, not the build version 😭

Deleted 1 year ago


Hey big question when you pick a story line and play does the game just stop when im done playing whats available for them or does it just keep going without said character if it helps im asking specifically for the ending with rune cause last i checked day 3 is not done right?

The game splits off into different routes at the end of day one depending on who you stay with, and yeah, each route does stop once you finish the most recent update of it.

thanks a bunch


Holy shit this game is a masterpiece. I have came across this game in boredom and thought to my self, "it looks pretty good, lets see how it is." Best decision of my entire life.  First, the main menu music and background looks and sounds AMAZING. At that moment, I felt as if I was already in love with the game. I click start and the intro is... strange... but it still looks cool. I get my key and play the game for a bit. Good story I have to admit.  I get to the part where I choose who I want to sleep with and I pick Mikko. Worst and best decision of my life. I say bad because the end of day 3 broke me... I had tears running down my cheeks.  I thought that games would always have a good part of the game but when they don't... it hurts. I also say good because well... it made me think more about my life and others around me (I have no idea why).  This game really changed me good and bad but I digress.  This game is great so if your seeing this and have never played it, please do. (BTW: I really want to see a Mikko update soon, Thank you!)


Honestly I just played this game hoping for some NSFW scenes and then leave. But I just finished what's available for Jorgun's route and I'm not even disappointed at the lack of nudity, I've been utterly enthralled by these characters and their lives.

I would just like to tell the team they've done an amazing job making this game and I'm excided for more.

(p.s any idea when Jorgun's story will continue?)


Very soon! We're working on it this month.

How do I get with mikko

Go through day 1, at the end you get to make the final choice

what do you mean 

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't think it's possible, the romance is still developing and we just have to hope that everything goes well. Although I haven't played his route


How to get the good ending with the little dog I forgot his name sorry

I played the rune route over and over, then when i made a new save there was a secret scene, anyone else get this?


Not a secret scene, that's just the standard intro (it got updated recently)

Ah alright

how to get that scene. Have never found  it

Deleted 1 year ago

I loved the new Bjørn update. I'm so excited to see their romance bud. Good shiz.

Am I the only one without the Mikko illustration of them walking in the sunset? Cause it hasn't showed up in my gallery yet.



Sir I am having Klaus withdrawals I am begging you.


LITERALLY hes my fave im fucking STARVING 😭😭😭


Are there any updates planed for Klaus?


Someday. I'm struggling with my ideas for it; the later I'll get to writing it, the better it'll be, and I want it to be truly special. 


Ok, thanks


I am excited for it, From Beyond me like one of your horrorterrors.




I feel like I shouldn't have played this game, I just thought it would be a gay furry hentai game but I was wrong and I made a big mistake, this was my first vn I had never played anything like it, I only played for lust and pleasure but during the game I met several personalities (rune, lake, devon and etc) when I finished lake and rune's route I felt an intense feeling that I had never felt until now I can't explain what that feeling is. I've never really been furry or gay and I'm from a third world country and I don't think I'll ever experience what the characters experienced, but what I felt playing lake's route was a lovely feeling and when it was over I felt empty, sad and I thought that I myself would never find someone like lake or anyone like any of the characters in this novel. I just wanted to forget about thinking if it would make me feel better and sorry for the mistakes in writing I don't know English fluently.

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The average VN reader experience 

Play another VN as you wait for this one to update, and let the cycle begin again haha

(1 edit) (+1)

I'll break down if I do it, but I think I'll do it


English is not my first languague either, if you wanna try another VN in the meantime, perhaps try Repeat or Tennis ace, those are great stories! (And long too)

I found another one called 9:22 that I thought was quite different from other vn I've seen

I can recommend some finished ones that are quite good but only a few have nsfw scenes.

Can somebody tell me for which characters are these 2 photos? I tried like every character and route but haven't found one of these. </3

the first one is new I think, probably bjorn, and the second one is for mikko.


thanks so much <3

Tell me if you find the first one cause I just played bjørns route and can't find it. 


I tried too but haven't found any. I think it's for Rune update just that they released it in this update, so when new update comes in February for Rune that's when we will be able to get that photo.

That would make sense.

Hi Dev so you are saying it's just SFW mode?I hope there is NSFW mode too,welp guess I'll have to play to see if it's nsfw...😃

(1 edit)

I need more lake and rune PLS!!!!!

The update is bugged. Please fix this as soon as possible! I tried to load day 3 when Bjorn's route ended last update and it showed me this screen. It  doesn't let me and it shows this 'an exception has occurred.'

I'll look into it now, but sometimes RenPy decides for some reason to break some saves ;_; if rollback/ignore doesn't help, it's possible that you'll have to start from Jump to route and use skip functionality to get to the point you were (there's an option to enable Skip Unseen in preferences!)

(1 edit)

It worked! Thanks so much, but please fix this save issue if possible! <3

Unfortunately sometimes Renpy just nukes saves. At least this one still exists. Mine for both Dawn Chorus and The Smokeroom got obliterated by the new updates.

Also, check in your saves if you don't have an autosave from eariler in the route (A tab in Load)

okay! I will

I regret playing this game I feel heartbroken I felt really bad for two days, the game ended at the best part when we start to delve deeper into the lake route.  I can barely get the update


Yall be taking Rune like a joke 💀 💀 is he ext update about him??

The update after this upcoming one. February 19th. It's in the description.


I'm excited to see the new sprites. Does anyone know if they'll be in the bjørn updated coming in a few days?


Not yet! We're still working on them.


Copy that!!! Take your time!!! I'm sure they're gonna be great!!!


Sure, if by "great" you meant they will have a "generic furry porn vn where everyone is buff" look.

I mean... The new sprites are not horrible, but to have them replace already established looks is just a travesty.


Well... That remains to be seen... Especially since it's someone else's art, I try to withhold critical judgement until I've seen it myself and formed my own opinion on the matter. 

That being said, I think we can both agree that the sprites needed a rework. Especially considering how far HQ has come since his most current iteration, I think he deserves to fix what he sees as mistakes in the sprites or things he could've done better to be more in line with how he sees the characters he's drawing.

Finally, everything changes. This is an ever evolving project, who knows what they'll look like next year or the year after that. The creators are still making the project. Nothing is set in stone. But, to condemn someone else's art to being, "generic furry porn vn where everyone is buff," material is...I don't know... I'm an artist and I think that would bother me if I had seen it.

Like I said, I'll reserve judgement. 

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I said what I said and I'm pretty sure it's not a ship I'll have to go down with.

Looking forward to discussing this with you after you see the sprites for yourself.

Though I really think that after everything you've heard about them, you should be asking Keo to show them already, not just be sitting on your hands till the controversial sprites go live. 

The cat is out of the bag anyway, and Patreon subscribers have known for a while now.




After 8 months of not reading anything for job reasons, this was the first one I got to when I finally had a break. Played through the some routes when the game was only at Day 1 and had to revisit. Took Bjørn's route first and was a lovely read but then to Mikko's and ow boy my mood tanked lol

Also its cool and weird at the same time that me and the mc practically have the same name haha


I love this project, the story and art are amazing. The amount of choices available allows for unique experiences in future playthroughs. I'd like for there to be an option to hide the text bar as it does obscure some of the screen.

Deleted post

They just updated their Twitter. 2.19 is the release supposedly 

Deleted 1 year ago

I'd appreciate commenters not posting links to pirate websites.


Fair enough, that was a bit too much, and I'm sorry. 

I overreacted, so it's for the best you deleted that comment. 

But you really should share the news about the upcoming sprites rework with itch/twitter/bsky users yourself.

It's big news and it worries me you are not only keeping it secret to anyone outside patreon, but are also ignoring any criticism even patreon subscribers are giving.

I apologize for being rude in my original comment, but it was passion for your project that commanded my actions. I am very concerned that the original sprites are being treated with such disregard for what made them good.

Yes, the old sprites aren't perfect, but they have their charm and they have been the official look of the characters we all grew to love. People love these characters the way they are, warts and all. You can't just discard their old looks and expect everyone to get on board with such drastic changes in design.

I don't believe there's malice in your actions, I know how game development, in its messy process, often makes things fall in place just perfectly to make for a disaster. 

But you need to be more open about this and keep the community more involved in the process of this change. You own the game, but you don't own the community, however there's no reason for us to antagonize each other. We can work together to make this change a true upgrade everyone will be happy about.

I understand you are a small team and your resources are not endless to keep remaking things, but I hope you can see this is a big change and it really needs more attention than this fire-and-forget approach.

Please don't be a stranger to your own fans.


I've seen a lot, and I mean a LOT of good proyects ruined because they wanted to please everyone and try to adjust their story to every little complain that a fan has.

Even if you paid for the game, that doesn't make you the boss of the people in charge of making it, I get where you're coming from, but don't accuse the creators of "Hiding" content just because you need to wait a little longer for it.

Personally, even if I myself will miss the old sprites, I get it. I think the new ones were needed, if you compare the old style to the cutscenes, they just looked too different and that can make it jarring. 


i might be in the minority, but the sprite rework is generally good and makes the characters look way better imo. if the author feels like a change is needed, i think it should be implemented. of course, the entire community should be aware of it and can respectfully express their opinions but in the end its the author's decision that truly matters


That's the thing, the new sprites look generally good, they could be put into any other VN and feel right at home! But they are a bad fit for the project.

We're not an anti-everything-new mob of luddites, the old sprites could be improved, of course. But after so many people got used to the old designs, it must be done with respect for said original designs!

Dawn Chorus is a fascinating passionate project, telling intimate down-to-earth stories of interpersonal relationships with incredible nuance. It really doesn't need to look like a generic furry porn game...


Love it so far! But waiting for the next update to Rune's path is torture bc I think I might actually have a crush on him ;-;


Is it just for me that sometimes duting Torulf's route his sprite sometimes appears with his hand cut off and sometimes doesn't?

Update your video card drivers and see if it helps. 

Older drivers have been having various issues with RenPy for a while now and there are no plans to fix that, since the user is supposed to keep their video drivers up to date anyway.

p.s. When reporting a renpy VN bug - you should, at the very least, provide log.txt from the game's main directory, as well as a screenshot of the problem, in case of a visual bug. More often than not, it's very hard to help using only a short description of the problem.

Sorry sorry, I never did a report of a bug or anything but I did find out why it does that, it's whenever I open a different app and go back to the VN, his sprite loses the hands









He isn't just losing hands, he is losing everything below that point, you just can't see it because his shorts and shirt are different sprites layered above his body sprite. You can try to cause the bug when Torulf is naked and you will see it.

Have you updated your video driver? If you did and the game still does that - upload your log somewhere and link it here. It's generally considered VN developer's responsibility to report to Tom all the Renpy bugs found in their VNs.

Or you can report it to the Renpy github yourself, if you have a git account or don't mind making one.


He deserves it🥰🥰🥰

This is a fantastic comment. I love this. XD


hi, guys

anyone ever butchered scripts whether drinking while playing on a second day changes anything and if positive then in which routes?

(2 edits) (+7)

Guess who's the only maniac butchering Dawn Chorus' gamefiles.

Okay, the variable is called "nhia_beer" and it's only semi-important in Torulf's route. All other changes are small and happen during the fireplace party, here's a full list:


During the fireplace party, changes numerous inconsequential lines like whether or not Lake gives Arvo another bottle, and who chugs soda during "Never Have I Ever".

During "Spin the bottle", if you are on Rune's, Bjorn's, or Torulf's route, sober Arvo can ask "What makes you happy?", while drunk Arvo can instead ask "What do you think of me?". 

During "Spin the bottle", on Rune's route, when Lake dares Rune to kiss Arvo, sober Arvo tries to protest. Drunk Arvo decides he is "in no state to protest" and is pretty much anticipating it.

During "Never Have I Ever", if NSFW is enabled, drunk Arvo can wreak havoc at the table by saying he never thought about drinking his own piss. Chaos ensues when he scores some points.

In Torulf's route:

During "Spin the bottle", if they haven't slept on day 1, drunk Arvo asks why Torulf has been avoiding him. Sober Arvo gets normal questions.

Changes what Arvo asks Torulf after the fireplace party, if they haven't slept on day 1 - drunk Arvo once again asks why Torulf has been avoiding him, and sober asks what's between Torulf and Lake.


Is there a discord server for this VN? Like the Echo Project has. 


Patreon members have access to the official discord. There is a fan discord if I recall correctly, but I do not have a link.


SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!! First of all, English is not my first language, so unfortunately I can't play the game with full understanding, so there might be some parts I missed. From the beginning of the game I was focused on Mikko and I wanted to be with him. Everything was going well but even though I found out that Mikko also likes the MC, I couldn't bring them together and the game ended. Am I doing something wrong? Is that all there is to the game?


To avoid copy-pasting replies, here's my answer to the same question:

Short version  - game still in development, updates every month. A good Mikko ending will come in a couple of years, maybe.

people waiting for new Klaus update be like










I actually hoped Mikko and MC would...Just...Istg. This ending broke me. I'm not sure if there are multiple endings to Mikko's route but in my play-through, I thought Mikko actually was starting to like the MC again. But to no avail. He fucked the MC up and dropped some mean words, and MC just went back to the capital. I wish there would be a happy ending for Mikko.

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Mikko endings:


The Bad One, aka Knocking On The Door

The Worse One, aka Happy Fun Time With Kinky Accessories <== You are here

THE WORST ONE, aka Flower Field

But hey, at least you saw it after it got changed a little. Initially, it was very ambiguous whether Arvo even survives it. I personally think Keo shouldn't have changed that and should have leaned heavily into the unintended but entertaining maniacal Mikko Route - would have made for a fun Halloween update.

To get a slightly less horrible ending, make sure to always pick Mikko events(Only some events are important, but it's easier to play all of them). It's the canon one and the one that's going to have a continuation in further updates, unlike the other two.

To get a much more horrible ending, follow Mikko's route, but go back to your room after you find the key. I warned you though, it's THE WORST ONE.

Thank you so much for the help! I got Knocking On The Door last night. I was much happier with that 😂😂.  But I await the arrival of the Messiah. The Mikko happy ending. :) Genuinely. I feel like this route hit me harder than the VN Echo. Again. Thank you for shedding some light on this. I also got into Devons route rn.

(3 edits)

You're welcome! 

Devon's route is probably the most realistic one in what's already a very down to earth VN. It's how most young people's first serious romance goes - they just get bothered about it and keep seeking the company of their crush afraid to make a move.

I personally love all of them, except maybe Bjorn's, but that's because it has events that feel like they should be a choice, yet they are not.

Still, I recommend you to play all of them(and don't forget the Klaus route like I did!), as each is very interesting in its own way. Though I definitely recommend you play Lake's last, as it's soul bleach because of how sweet it is, and you're going to need that after some routes.

I have the WORST ending of Mikko's route but, how do I get the second ending, "Happy Fun Time With Kinky Accessories", thxxx

While following Mikko's route, on day 2, after the lecture, don't pick option "Tag along". That's enough to fail his route and get you to the worse ending.

The new update got me feel Soo bad about Torulf, like he's a sweet guy, but he use  Lake and the MC for sex for some attention is killing me


In my humble opinion, Torulf isn't a sweet guy. He's one of those, 'Nice Guys.' Torulf, from my perspective, is manipulative and twisted.

That being said, I totally respect your opinion and get where you're coming from, and I'm not trying to rag on Torulf. I just don't like him. 


U're right, he's an asshole, but he's kind and sweet while u're with him, like he gave all the attention and love to the MC while they were "together"


Yeah, that's the problem. Healthy love and sweetness should be unconditional. His conditional affection is a poison to the recipient.

I've got lots of feelings about the Torulf path... Lol


The way he's caring and then he's just ignoring the MC, while the MC try to give everything he could, and then he comes out of Lakes room after doing THAT is pretty fuxked up, but his route is still my favorite 

(1 edit) (+3)

Copy that, lol. I dont get it, but hey... To each their own. Just make sure you're not putting up with that shi* in real life. It takes a long time to patch yourself back up again after being subjected to that kind of emotional abuse.

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