Dawn Chorus v0.29 - Torulf update

Hi all!

We're having a double release today: v0.29 on itch.io, and v0.30 for Rune Bjørn on our Patreon. Here, I'm coming back to you with a brand new update for Torulf's route, therefore beginning the Day 3 for all of the main routes (I remember about Klaus, don't worry)!

There's quite a bit of scene variation - paths converging and branching out again, with a total of three possible endings in this update. I hope you'll enjoy it!


Dawn_Chorus-0.29.2-pc.zip 303 MB
Jun 23, 2023
Dawn_Chorus-0.29.2-mac.zip 277 MB
Jun 23, 2023
com.dawnchorus.dawnchorus-0.29.2.apk 286 MB
Jun 23, 2023

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Did all three of Torulf's endings continue properly this update? The day 2 ending which finished with "And I'll emerge out of it stronger." didn't continue into day 3 for me, while the other two were perfectly fine.


Okay, so the update has 'fixed' the previous issue, since the route no longer goes to the "this is the end of the current build" screen, but now the game is failing to find the font u'font/Dawnchorus-Regular.ttf' , and this isn't the kind of error screen which can just be ignored and everything goes on basically fine.

I too received the error messages when I got to the "And I'll emerge out of it stronger."

Nah bro this goffy the same  thing happened to me