Dawn Chorus v0.35 - Rune

Edit: I uploaded a newer version of the update, with the new artwork added to the gallery. The Discord integration is now also by default turned off - if you download this visual novel for the first time, you'd need to turn it on from Preferences. If you played the VN on your machine previously, nothing changed.


Hi folks,

Finally! After quite a while (we've had quite a delay in January), the update for Rune is finally out. It's a big one - it features the rest of Day 3 for Rune, and inside you can also find:

- 5 new illustrations in total, by Deffie, Alexson and Prince-o-Sky,
- A new track by Patricia Taxxon
- Some new photos and music by Keo (that's me!)
- Rework of the instant photo and the illustration from the end of Rune's Day 1 by Haku 

EPILEPSY WARNING! Rune's part of the update features some flashing lights. If you're sensitive to those and/or have epilepsy, we recommend turning these off - there's an option for that in the preferences now.

There update features a main path and a significantly shorter side path that join together at the end and depend on an earlier choice. There were some sections that were especially hard to write, but I think you'll see what I mean when you read the update. I'd call it my most ambitious work yet, but a lot of work from the whole team went into this one.

The update doesn't feature the new set of sprites, for now the build with the reworks is available only for our patrons. We just finished gathering feedback on the reworks through an elaborate poll conducted on Patreon that me and Haku prepared, now we need to sit down and discuss the results. To summarise them here: about 55% of the responses preferred the new style over the old one, 30% preferred the old style and 15% didn't have an opinion. The results were a bit more polarised when it came to eyes, but still in favour of the new style. From the sprites, Arvo and Rune received split opinions, the reaction to the rest of the reworks were overwhelmingly positive. We've also got some more detailed, written feedback, and I also have some ideas of my own, so I'll likely keep Haku busy for a longer while.

And I think that's all! With Branny in the team and Haku doing fantastic work with the reworks, I'm very excited about the future. The next update will be written by Branny for Lake, and after that they'll work on an update for Jørgen and I'll come back with you with some Day 4 content!

Happy reading!


Dawn_Chorus-0.35.4-pc.zip 357 MB
Feb 19, 2024
Dawn_Chorus-0.35.4-mac.zip 330 MB
Feb 19, 2024
Dawn_Chorus-0.35.4-android.apk 340 MB
Feb 19, 2024

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Oh my holy, I did not expect to cry.

Sobbed and cried on rune's "adventure", absolutely beautiful. 10/10.

thank you guys so much for this read, can't wait for more!!!!

(2 edits) (+2)

Wow just Wow. Incredible.

Spoilers Below:

Runes route: That was probably one of the most beautiful things I have ever had the pleasure of reading through, the writers of this section you guys are amazing.
Not only did you give a pretty accurate representation of Psilocybin Mushrooms (Magic Mushrooms) but to tell it in the form of a story in such a heart touching way, I am amazed. Rune is a magnificent character, a personality of someone I wish I had in my life. Not only did I shed some tears and there, but I felt a sort of connection to parts of the story and it resonated with parts of my own soul.

I don't feel like I need to justify runes actions, because I support what he chose to do. I feel like it will do him good. Time is the great sculptor of everything. He needs time to reflect on everything which has been shown to him, I see him improving for the better. Quite possibly my own heart and soul have been touched by this update, I highly respect Rune. I do hope Arvo and Runes Relationship flourishes, since it will be something magnificent.

I am most excited for the next part of Runes update, since he is the only character whom I truly resonate with. Nothing fake about him. 

I applaud the writer/writers of this section, you have done a heart touching tremendous job.

P.S. I forgot to mention, the Psychedelic Artwork is gorgeous. 

Please tell me if there will be any more updates for Devon? I really love this character?😔

Of course, all of the routes will be continued.


Wait a minute.......   DAY 4 ?????? WHERE IS KLAUS ? he hasn't had an update in 2 years and hasnt even made to day 3 yet. Where is he ????? i need him qwq


Becouse there's no more days in his route

If I do remember correctly that is.. 

Hi! I keep getting crashed when passing by the Snowball Fight scene, is it a me issue or is something up with it?


Hello, I really appreciated the new update! But I noticed that it didn't specified that i was continuing on day 3 and then runes latest route ended on him and arvo watching a movie together, was this supposed to be another route you have to take? 

Would love for anyone to respond!

Does this game have a soundtrack posted anywhere? I need more


I got it from here, not sure it is updated anymore but there's most of them

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
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Quick question are updates automatic or do I have to manually update dawn chrous?

You need to re-download the ZIP, extract it, and then launch the new game. All your previous game data should be there along with the updates.

Okay! Thank youuu

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+8)(-2)

edit: and because ive seen this told to other people no i have not used a pirated version of the game i am speaking purely from the look we got from the sneak peak sprites about 2 weeks ago.

I have been following the dawn chorus vn for a long time now I want to say so it is quite sad that i have to say im probably going to stop supporting it as much as i did. while i will still follow the games progress and will most likely check out every lake update i just cant connect to the new art style. while for some characters it does good such as torulf, klaus and travis it seems very not fitting on others. such as now mikko the character that him being a little smaller the everyone was a key point now is almost double his hight from what im seeing and has thicker build which just did not come off well on him, or devon who now seems to have a baby face when his supose to almost be 30 from what i remember, he dosent need to have an old man face but not a teenager face, rune who is a swimmer and athelete has a bodybuilders body (in my opinion mikkos new body shape would fit perfect for him) but the thing that really did hit me most was lake. i was so in love with how their character was and it touched me deeply the way their story went regarding their identity or the relationship with torulf and i think their for the lack of a better word "twink-ish" look fit because it made them look how they felt which is small compared to others but now they just feels alot bulkier then they should be.(again in my opinion klauses new look could look better) to conclude this is not an attack on keo or anyone who likes the changes, if you like the changes then all power to you i just cant connect. maybe im not the audience for this vn anymore because while i dont like saying it. it does feel like its going to the pretty upsetting fetish look with making basically everyone but maybe 2 characters either muscly or bulky. In my opinion a thing that could make everyone happy would be a toggle mechanic, i dont know coding personally so im not sure how this will work or if its possible even,again saying this is not an attack to anyone just me voicing my opinion on a visual novel i used to feel really connected to. sorry for any misspellings english is not my first language. thank you to whoever listend to my small rant.


"i just cant connect""characters either muscly or bulky"


RIGHT? they de-scrunkly'd

(11 edits) (+4)(-2)

As a follow up to my comment in the sprite previews and now that I've seen some of the content that was changed since the last update, I think I personally see the Rune in the previous iteration as one that I enjoy more, mainly because that's what I think of when it comes to someone that is a swimmer/basketball player, and I don't know what it was, but he seemed much warmer and approachable before (also, his photo in the game was hot af, and was rightly used as a pseudo-cover for the VN I think). That said, the extra detail in the rest of the sprites as a whole is a welcome update (shocker, Rune's still hot af to me), and if this is more to what was imagined when writing the character, I'm sure it'll resonate more closely with the story as we go along, and I hope we can all enjoy that. I'm certainly not going to complain about getting more of everyone's stories. These are also my very first impressions, so it'll no doubt change over time, and I still thank the crew for making a fantastic VN.

Now to get too deep into the VN once again and face the consequences of running into the end of his route. I just couldn't stay away - I've got something in my eyes D; 



Was not expecting to cry with this update, with all the scary and crazy confusion from the trip Rune was having, the unnerving impossible questions to answer about Rune but stuff for ourselves to think about and connect to our own lives, with the amazing breath taking visuals... just for the chapter to beautifully end with them leaning against each other and being there for one another. Absolutely beautifully written

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oh shit Patrica taxxon